5 benefits of Presentations of PowerPoint Presentation in today’s era
This article will help you in learning,
- What is a PPT presentation?
- Relevance of PPT presentation today, and in business.
- Benefits of Presentations:
- Engagement
- Corporate Image Enhancement
- Flexibility
- Structured Information
- Resourcefulness
It is not a new thing when someone hears the word ‘PPT’. Microsoft has helped us in making the term synonymous to presentations.
But what is the importance of PowerPoint presentations outside the computer screens?
It would not be wrong to say that the whole business industry relies heavily on it, as there is a presentation behind every sales pitch, investor meeting and a corporate deck.
Frankly, not just the business world, almost every sector and public speaking scenarios are aware, and due contributor and beneficiaries to the realm of presentation. One of the greatest examples which could be given in such case is, the Ted Talks. The screens behind those speakers are the running aspect of their ideas and public discourse.
In its essence, presentation is using your words in such a way that your ideas reach the audience’s mind with the intention you intent to. The ‘PPT’ aspect of it, is a tool to amplify your scope of reach and engagement.
Using it at its optimum is not just challenging but crucial too, because every time one or the other thing might be on a stake behind the purpose of that presentation.
Take us for an example, even though we are in this industry of building presentation since years, but if we are to prepare one for ourselves, it is a different nervousness altogether, and that nervousness helps us in understanding better about our clients when they reach out to us.
So, are you really aware of the benefits, that is hidden in the closet of this tool known as presentation?
If not, then keep reading , we hope that by the end of the article you are clear of all your doubts.
The upcoming paragraphs would be dealing with the points of benefits, so the first point is about-

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Human eyes are very susceptible to visuals, they readily get attracted and engaged by it. And when the same visuals are directed by relevant sounds like voiceovers or an actual presenter, then it has the ability to hook the viewers right to the point.
The power of multimedia shouldn’t be underestimated, one explanation for it is, reading history lessons could be boring, but watching Mangal Pandey movie wasn’t.
To elaborate further, even the engagement aspect could be driven by three factors, all the three ‘might’ not be new for you to hear, but they are probably worthy to be noted.
a. First One Minute

Image Credit- self.com
The first image, the first line by the speaker, the initial energy of the overall presentation is a crucial contributor to the overall presentation on almost any public or private speaking discourse.
The initial minute of the presentation should be given off with apt energy and attractive visuals, to get the threshold of required attentional energy of the audience over the presenter.
The saying ‘First impression is the last impression’ goes very well with this case. Justification and explanation over anything require attention, and that attention is in the hands of your initial minute, use it with the right might.
b. Breaking the third wall while presenting

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One of the biggest pros of presentation is, that it could be interactive during the presentation, and interrogative after the presentation. Both the aspects help in increasing and testifying the level of engagement of your delivery over the attendees.
Whenever possible and apt, give a question and a chance to receive a short enough reply from the audience, this not only helps in sustaining the energy of the listeners, but gives an additional sense of importance to the crowd’s mind.
Using this aspect rightly gives a significant push to the intention of your presentation, and also results into one of the apt benefits of presentation.
c. Engage more, Read Less

Image Credit- socialpoint.io
This point is meant for both, the speaker and the viewers. Don’t stuff too much text in the slide which makes it retarding to read for the speaker. At the same time, don’t read too much from the slide, as it gives out a message, that the speaker is engaging more with the slides, than the audience.
However, keeping a few bullet points and headings is going to hurt nobody.
Keeping the engagement at the optimum scale, is something which could be achieved by presentations. Keeping this aspect in mind, one should drive oneself accordingly, whenever they are making the presentation, or presenting it.

In the corporate world, image and reputation plays a gigantic role for determining the worth of the company.
A significant key to this image building is, professionalism. Keeping pre-prepared presentations in hand like the sales deck or the brochure presentation, helps the prospective client know about your company, in a smoother and easier way. And such interaction might highlight the ease of doing business with your company.
Keeping in mind the topic of perception, there are three points which could help you in understanding the benefits over your company’s image, which the tool of presentation could be capable of giving.
a. Ease of reaching out

Image Credit- hirewithease.com
Keeping the sales person available 24×7 is not possible every-time, but the facility of your services being communicated can be done by sharing sales/product presentations with your prospective and existing clients.
Keeping the PPTs handy to share like the brochures not only helps in keeping up with the time, but with the competition too.
The same presentation could be pre-recorded such, that the whole service itinerary is explained just like an actual salesman would do, this way, the chances of creating a lead would increase as well.
Making yourself easy to reach and easy to understand could be a fine aspect of image building for your company.
b. Presentation :Conveys the brand value of the brand

Image Credit- brandingstrategyinsider.com
The way a business is perceived in the first impression, gives an explanation of the chances that a brand has to make a good business lead.
The same resembles through the slides and presentation of your company, be it Annual General Meeting, Sales Pitch or an Investor Pitch.
Making a presentation for professional purpose is not just the addition of text and images over a slide. From the first slide to the last word you say is extended to the level of your company’s ‘brand perception’.
Making ambiguous visuals over slide could cost you a ‘bad first impression’, and a negatively perceived company’s image too.
c. Could help in showing the clarity and seriousness of the team

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When one says something about their company’s idea, work culture and growth prospects, professionals who’d be the audience at that moment, could perceive the seriousness of the speaker’s words by their attitude and presentation running behind.
This gives one reason, why presentations are crucial and need to be crafted with a designated level of sincerity to display the psychology of your plan and company prospects.
It is nothing new to say, that what a bad presentation could cost the one presenting it.
Taking the task serious is not only to create your company’s positive perception, but to enhance or keep it enough as per the current standards as well.
Flexibility in Presentation

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If you want to give an example of ‘rush hour’, then it could be the time, just before one is about to give a presentation.
Many times, it happens that there is a last-minute inclusion or deletion of a thing to be showcased. And when this process undergoes, one needs two things, the ability to handle pressure, and a medium to let you make the last-minute edits to the presentation.
And PPTs are one such versatile medium which let you do so, and that too with ease.
There are two sub points, which highlight the ‘Flexibility’ aspect of presentations.

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Today, nearly all presentation softwares are assimilated with almost every type of content, be it text, image, GIF, video, sound, 3D Graphics and probably much more.
Taking versatility into the context, presentations are highly versatile, given their un-hindering assimilation to almost every form of digital media content out there.
As there is no restriction to the realm of content, this narrows down the responsibility to manage the available resources at hand.
This makes it easy to widen the scope of research and inclusion, of and for the content to be included in the presentation.
Next point conveys the further compatibility aspect of presentations.
b. Easy to edit, anytime

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In the world of business, time is money. Last minute changes, and that too under the stipulated time is more than a necessity, it’s a must.
Where previously mentioned benefit allows to accept almost any form of content for your presentation, this point allows to make it convenient over the fact of compatibility.
When a slightest thing like a full-stop or comma could be of utter importance at times, it would be hard to make such small edits, and if the process of editing is handy and easy, it gives an additional benefit to the presenters, who are using the medium of presentation.
Structured Information

Image Credit- slideplayer.com
You might be familiar with the term ‘mind-mapping’. If you are, then you might be aware of intention behind mind mapping, it is to make the information ‘structurally interactive’.
You can give a designated arrangement to your data, which makes it easy for you to find, and the audience to visualise.
The content structure could be formed in the sense of inverted pyramid, or in a way in which the level of content keeps increasing with each slide.
Making the data structured is a feat which the presentation medium duly allows you to exploit in an optimum way, hence it is convenient for both presenters and viewers.
The pattern in which you wish the data to be presented, along with the pattern which could be understood best by your target audience, who could be of any demography or background, is something to be kept in mind and in slides.
Presentation helps in making this task easier for you.

Image Credit- hammersmithacademy.org
Be it the pricing of software, the content availability or the utility of the overall concept, presentations are heavily resourceful.
Their compatibility, ease to use, universal access along with several other crucial factors make them a prominent inhabitant of the corporate world.
Not just their making, but the distribution too is as easy as it could be. They could be attached in emails, broadcasted on web, presented in a hall, and edited with users sitting at two different corners of the world.
The following subpoints are written to give a better breakdown over the ‘resourcefulness’ of presentations, have a slight look through them.
a. Presentation Availability and Access

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Any professional could access the realm of presentations, with a free or reasonable priced softwares available in the market.
Plus, the content you need to include is not very hard to find in the age of internet, additionally, you can work on presentations simultaneously with multiples through cloud, for eg- PowerPoint Online, Google Slides etc.
When they give you the space to include almost every multimedia resource you could possibly use, it is one point of benefit to be respected. Moreover, the ease of accessing the final draft in order to give a last-minute edit or a final touch is a proving point the accessibility part of the medium.
b. Distribution of Presentation

Image Credit- a2-u.com
For business, spreading their ideas and pitch is one of the most crucial and resource consuming task.
Presentations being available in digital format, makes it highly easy and convenient to share and distribute.
Sharing a sales deck PPT with a prospective client could be a solution when there is no physical availability of a sales person to pitch them. This helps in managing resources.
Additionally, keeping a PPT handy for such tasks, also gives an impression of professionalism of your firm, to the party in front.
The digital distribution also helps in keeping down the cost of distribution, as no major continuous physical resource is needed to do so.
So, these were few benefits of presentation that a business, or any group could have by using this multimedia called Presentation.
We are into the business of making almost every sort of presentation, reach us NOW if you feel the need of help.